Francesco Valagussa
Titolo [Ita]:
Il colore assoluto: bianco si dice in molti modi
Title [Eng]:
The absolute colour: white is said in many ways
Data pubblicazione: 2017
Fascicolo: LVI - anno: 2017/1 - pp. 67-77
Lingua: Italiano.
DOI: 10.1400/258161
Abstract [Eng]
The present article focuses on the different meanings of white from three different points of view. We start from an etymological perspective in order to highlight the three main word-roots related to the term “white” in Indo-European languages. Through a metaphysical viewpoint, which includes Derrida’s reflection on La mythologie blanche, we attempt to find some analogies between the color “white” and the dynamic of “logos” in western philosophy. At the very end of the present essay we try to study one of the most significant aesthetical problems concerning the nature of the color “white” in Le déjeuner sur l’herbe by Édouard Manet.
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