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Di un semplice sentimento: alla radice di ogni distinzione: Gentile e la Filosofia dell'arte


Massimo Donà

Titolo [Ita]:

Di un semplice sentimento: alla radice di ogni distinzione: Gentile e la Filosofia dell'arte

Title [Eng]:

Of a simple feeling: at the root of all distinctions: Gentile and the Philosophy of art

Data pubblicazione: 2014

Fascicolo: LIII - anno: 2014 - pp. 101-140

Lingua: Italiano.

DOI: 10.1400/252567

Abstract [Eng]

Rest-movement, abstract-concrete, identity-difference, reason-sensibility… art and philosophy. Giovanni Gentile’s philosophy radically dealt with some of these dialectical polarities. We tried to analyze these dichotomies by questioning Gentile’s pages and dialoguing with the interpretation of the Gentilian thought provided in Italy by Vincenzo Vitiello. Our investigation is based on a well defined conviction: it is not enough to interpret Gentile as a radical version of German Idealism. More specifically, the “last” Gentile – namely, the author of The Philosophy of Art – might hold many surprises. For this reason, we started to outline a new theoretical perspective to interpret Gentile’s philosophy.


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