Maria Luisa Ardizzone
Titolo [Ita]:
Dante and the Natural Logic of Politics. Instinct, Intellect, Economy.
Title [Eng]:
Dante and the Natural Logic of Politics. Instinct, Intellect, Economy.
Data pubblicazione: 2018
Fascicolo: LVII - anno: 2018/2 - pp. 61-79
Lingua: Inglese.
DOI: 10.1400/269266
Abstract [Eng]
The essay discusses Dante as a political theorist and attempts to trace the making of his political awareness starting from his first libello, the Vita Nuova through his other works such as Convivio, De vulgari eloquentia to his Latin treatise: Monarchia, entirely dedicated to politics. The paper stresses the importance of Convivio treatises 2 and 3 and Dante’s invention in the 3rd of a knowing subject that is one and plural at once. This invention is considered crucial in shaping what will be Dante’s position in Monarchia, which establishes that human beings think better when they think together. According to Dante, monarchy is the universal political organization that permits the bene esse for humanitas. Focusing on the natural origin of the political state, Dante evaluates that such naturalness implies the cognitive essence of human beings, their ethics, biology, their instinct of preservation in relation to the environment and, of course, economy. What is natural shapes Dante’s idea of community. Because the human being is naturally “associative”, it is natural to live together, but such naturalness includes and stresses the intellectual essence of omnium hominum. In discussing Dante’s “temporal monarchy”, my study tries to explore and stress the origin of the political community in its being at once natural, intellectually motivated, and economic. The composite meaning of what is natural and the intuition of a relational logic are part of what my paper introduces.
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